Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Java example to fetch tridion content service PCA graphql response.

- Implementation which is available is built on spring-boot framework, I am gonna put only relative information on graphql and java client.

I have prepared one class which is having few example of tridion pca graphql queries using java,

public class QueryService {

final PCAClientProvider pcaClientProvider;

public QueryService(PCAClientProvider pcaClientProvider) {
this.pcaClientProvider = pcaClientProvider;

protected ApiClient getPcaClient() {
ApiClient pcaClient = this.pcaClientProvider.getClient();
return pcaClient;

protected CustomApiClient getCustomPcaClient() {
CustomApiClient pcaClient = this.pcaClientProvider.getCustomClient();
return pcaClient;

public Publication getPublicationTitle(int pubId) {
return getPcaClient().getPublication(ContentNamespace.Sites, pubId, "", null);

public Page getPage(int publicationId, int pageId) {
return getPcaClient().getPage(ContentNamespace.Sites, publicationId, pageId, "", ContentIncludeMode.INCLUDE_DATA, null);

public PublicationConnection getAllPublications() {
Pagination pagination = new Pagination();
pagination.first = 0;
pagination.after = "";
return getPcaClient().getPublications(ContentNamespace.Sites, pagination, null, "", null);

public ComponentPresentation getComponentPresentations(int publicationId, int componentId, int templateId) {
return getPcaClient().getComponentPresentation(ContentNamespace.Sites, publicationId, componentId, templateId, "", ContentIncludeMode.INCLUDE_DATA, null);

public BinaryComponent getBinaryComponent(int publicationId, int binaryId) {
return getPcaClient().getBinaryComponent(ContentNamespace.Sites, publicationId, binaryId, "", null);

public ComponentPresentationConnection getComponentPresentations(int publicationId) {
Pagination pagination = new Pagination();
pagination.first = 0;
pagination.after = "";
InputComponentPresentationFilter inputComponentPresentationFilter = new InputComponentPresentationFilter();
InputSortParam sortParam = new InputSortParam();
return getPcaClient().getComponentPresentations(ContentNamespace.Sites, publicationId, inputComponentPresentationFilter,
sortParam, pagination, "", ContentIncludeMode.INCLUDE_DATA, null);

public String resolveComponentLink(int publicationId, int targetComponentId, int sourcePageId, int excludeComponentTemplateId, boolean renderRelativeLink) {
return getPcaClient().resolveComponentLink(ContentNamespace.Sites, publicationId, targetComponentId, sourcePageId, excludeComponentTemplateId, renderRelativeLink);

public JsonNode getCategories(int publicationId) {
return getCustomPcaClient().getCategories(ContentNamespace.Sites, publicationId);

for class PCAClientProvider we can take a reference from dxa github repo
we need to have following dependency in the project in order to get PCAClient references.

to understand QueryService we can also refer following junit test class
public class QueryServiceTest {

QueryService queryService;

public void fetchAllPublication() {
PublicationConnection allPublications = queryService.getAllPublications();
assertThat(allPublications, is(notNullValue()));
System.out.printf("total number of web publications are: %d%n", allPublications.getEdges().size());

public void fetchAllCategories() {
int publicationId = 25;
JsonNode categories = queryService.getCategories(publicationId);
assertThat(categories, is(notNullValue()));
System.out.printf("published categories in publication %d%n are: %s%n", publicationId, categories.toPrettyString());

public void fetchBinaryComponent() {
BinaryComponent binaryComponent = queryService.getBinaryComponent(25, 1580);
assertThat(binaryComponent, is(notNullValue()));
System.out.printf("Binary Component id is %s: ", binaryComponent.getId());

we can also write our own ApiClient in order to get response based on custom query or criteria
for example
public class CustomApiClient extends DefaultApiClient {

private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomApiClient.class);
private static final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();
private final GraphQLClient graphQLClient;
private final int requestTimeout;

public CustomApiClient(GraphQLClient graphQLClient, int requestTimeout) {
super(graphQLClient, requestTimeout);
this.graphQLClient = graphQLClient;
this.requestTimeout = (int) TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMillis(requestTimeout);

public JsonNode getCategories(ContentNamespace ns, int publicationId) {
GraphQLRequest graphQLRequest = (new PCARequestBuilder()).withQuery("AllCategories").withNamespace(ns).withPublicationId(publicationId).withTimeout(this.requestTimeout).build();
Class<JsonNode> clazz = JsonNode.class;
String path = "/data/categories";
return getResultForRequest(graphQLRequest, clazz, path);

private <T> T getResultForRequest(GraphQLRequest request, Class<T> clazz, String path) throws ApiClientException {
JsonNode result = getJsonResult(request, path);
try {
return MAPPER.treeToValue(result, clazz);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new ApiClientException("Unable map result to " + clazz.getName() + ": " + result.toString(), e);

private JsonNode getJsonResult(GraphQLRequest request, String path) throws ApiClientException {
int attempt = 3;
UnauthorizedException[] exception = new UnauthorizedException[1];
while (attempt > 0) {
try {
return getJsonResultInternal(request, path);
} catch (UnauthorizedException ex) {
if (exception[0] == null) exception[0] = ex;
LOG.error("Could not perform query on " + path);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new ApiClientException("Could not perform query " + request + " after 3 attempts", exception[0]);

private JsonNode getJsonResultInternal(GraphQLRequest request, String path) throws ApiClientException, UnauthorizedException {
try {
String resultString = this.graphQLClient.execute(request);
JsonNode resultJson = MAPPER.readTree(resultString);
return resultJson.at(path);
} catch (GraphQLClientException e) {
throw new ApiClientException("Unable to execute query: " + request, e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ApiClientException("Unable to deserialize result for query " + request, e);


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